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.NET Framework Quiz

Below are the answers to the .NET Framework Quiz, along with a brief discussion.

1. False. It compiles to IL code, which can be run by the Common Language Runtime, which ultimately does the final compilation step.

2. Software.

3. The Common Language Runtime (CLR).

4. The CLR and the BCL/FCL code libraries.

5. True. Each hardware architecture/operating system will likely need its own version of the CLR.

6. False. The CLR doesn’t know anything about any specific programming languages, except for Common Intermediate Language (CIL or IL).

7. Visual C++, Visual Basic.NET, IronPython, IronRuby, and more.

8. False. While it is the general assumption that code running on a virtual machine will be slow, this isn’t necessarily the case. The compilation step is only done once, right at the beginning, and because it is compiled by the virtual machine at run time, it knows more about the environment that the code is going to run on and can optimize for it.

9. True. Because it is in IL instead of binary, the code is somewhat easier to decompile.